Leading Consulting Firm
At The CONSULTERA, we provide following expert services (in person or online):
Consultations in social & economical matters for British citizens as well as to immigrant and migrant communities in the UK. Our team of experienced consultants offers tailored advice, strategic solutions, and innovative ideas to help you achieve your goals.
Helping apply to school, college & universities
Certified and Notarised translation services
Child Travel Consent
- Consultations and accounting services for Sole Traders (Self-Employed)
English and computer classes
Click the button below to schedule a consultation or classes.
Mēs sniedzam šādus profesionālus pakalpojumus (klātienē vai tiešsaistē):
* Konsultācijas sociālajos un ekonomiskajos jautājumos Lielbritānijas pilsoņiem, kā arī imigrantu un migrantu kopienām Lielbritānijā
* Palīdzam pieteikties skolās, koledžās un augstskolās
* Zvērināta tulka un notariāli apliecināti tulkošanas pakalpojumi
* Piekrišana bērna izbraukšanai uz ārzemēm
* Konsultāciju un grāmatvedības pakalpojumi pašnodarbinātām personām
* Angļu valodas un datora apmācības kursi
Noklikšķiniet uz tālāk sniegtās pogas, lai pieteiktos konsultācijai vai apmācībām.
Мы оказываем следующие профессиональные услуги (очно или онлайн):
* Консультации по социальным и экономическим вопросам для граждан Великобритании, а также для общин иммигрантов и мигрантов в Великобритании
* Помощь в подаче заявок в школы, колледжи и вузы
* Сертифицированные и нотариально заверенные переводы
* Консалтинговые и бухгалтерские услуги для самзанятых
* Курсы английского языка и компьютерного обучения
Нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы записаться на консультацию или обучение.
Our Services
45 min
45 British pounds45 min
65 British pounds45 min
35 British pounds45 min
35 British pounds1 hr
35 British pounds1 hr
35 British pounds
Helping communities is a commendable endeavor that combines expertise, empathy, and a deep commitment to social change. The foundation of our consultancy services lies in understanding the unique challenges and needs of each community and individual. This requires a tailored approach that involves listening to community members, conducting thorough research, and fostering partnerships with other organizations. By doing so, we identify effective solutions for addressing issues such as rights and obligations, education, healthcare, employability, and social inclusion. Moreover, empowering communities is central to the consultancy's mission. This involves building local capacity through training, webinars, workshops, and resources that enable community members to take charge of their development. It's also about advocating for their needs and rights, ensuring that they have a voice in decision-making processes that affect their lives. By focusing on empowerment, the consultancy not only addresses immediate challenges but also lays the groundwork for long-term resilience and growth.